how to tell if aloe vera gel is spoiled

Aloe vera gel is one of the most magical skincare products many of us have in our medicine cabinets. You can purchase it from your local beauty store or make gel from scratch with the plant. It offers many health benefits for the skin, from moisturizing to clearing out breakouts.

But did you know that aloe vera gel, like most skincare products, has an expiration date? If you made a batch of it yourself and have no idea when it expires, read on. I’ll show you how to tell if aloe vera gel is spoiled to ensure you aren’t using spoiled products.

How to Tell If Aloe Vera Gel Is Expired

There are different ways you can tell your aloe vera gel is expired, based on:

1. Average Expiration Date

There are two main types of aloe vera gels you can avail of.

  • Raw aloe vera gel is what you extract on your own from the plant itself.
  • Processed aloe vera gel is what you usually purchase in beauty stores.

In various instances, natural products are likelier to expire quicker than processed ones, like milk. Aloe vera is no different; its expiration date depends on the product and the ingredients mixed with it.

Raw aloe vera can last between one day to two weeks, as long as you store it correctly and follow the proper steps in getting the aloe vera gel from its plant without getting alone.

As for processed aloe vera gels, they usually have a two-year expiration date but can last for up to five years, depending on its storage and preservatives in the gel. You can check the bottle for an exact “use before” date for more accuracy.

2. Has Weird Smells

This is probably one of the most common ways to know if your aloe vera gel (or any other product) has expired. For raw and natural aloe vera gel, there is a powerful smell different from when you first “harvested” it. You’ll notice a slightly sour scent, meaning it’s time to dispose of it properly.

As for processed aloe vera gel, there isn’t a pungent smell to know if it’s expired. This is because its preservatives and other contents make it smell different from its raw form. That’s why it may be difficult to distinguish if it’s still okay to use or not.

For both types of gels, you’ll notice a change in their consistency as well as their moisturizing & hydrating texture. It may be too watery or unabsorbed to your skin as efficiently as before.

Read more: Is Aloe Vera Good For Rosacea? The Real Remedy to Rosacea

How You Store Your Aloe Vera Gel

Again there are two types of aloe vera gels, each having different expiration dates because of its contents. Raw aloe vera has a shorter lifespan depending on how you store it. These are the expected expiration dates:

  • One day when at room temperature
  • One week when in a fridge
  • One to two weeks when placed in the freezer

You need to make sure that you store it in a cool and dry place in the fridge. The cooler temperature can further extend the duration.

To extend its use, you can also mix ingredients with your raw aloe vera gel. You can add vitamin E oil, honey, or vitamin C, giving your skin a brighter glow.

What about processed aloe vera gel? This can last much longer, depending on how you store it.

  • It can last about two years if you store your bottle at room temperature (such as in your bathroom).
  • Store it in the fridge or freezer, it can last for five years.
  • You can look at the expiration date on the bottle if applicable.

For both aloe vera gels, do NOT leave them exposed under heat sources or direct sunlight. Close its lid and tighten it to prevent it from expiring quickly and drying out, which stops its moisturizing effects.

Do NOT use expired aloe vera gel, as it may cause infections if you put it on open wounds or burns. It may also cause dry skin as it loses the moisturizing effects.

Besides my information, you can also get an insight into aloe vera gel and its expiration in this helpful video:

Read more: Best Aloe Vera Gel For Acne – Reviews & Buyer’s Guide

Wrapping It Up

Aloe vera is known the be the plant of immortality with its excellent skin benefits. However, they have an expiration date, though fortunately, not as short compared to other products. You can enjoy better skin if you store it well and use it on time.

Hopefully, this article on how to tell if aloe vera gel helped you! Take an inventory check on your skincare products now.

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