Are you sick and tired of seeing yourself in the mirror with those inflamed, bleeding bumps on your face? Do not lose hope we are here to help you. These 9 pain-free tips on how to make a pimple stop bleeding could be the solution to your problem.
Pimples do not bleed unless you picked it or tried to pop it. The best solution to solve your problem with a bleeding pimple is to refrain from popping it. But sometimes you cannot resist the urge of doing it. If you pop a zit by accident, there are steps that you can follow to stop the bleeding and prevent it from developing a scar.
Around, 85% of the population is being affected by acne and pimples at some point in their lives (myvmc.com). So, if you are suffering from pimples, do not feel sad you are not alone.
The pores in your skin produce an oily substance known as sebum which was released from the skin and becomes infected with bacteria and swells with pus. These are small skin lesions that develop when the sebaceous glands become clogged. It occurs on the face, back, neck and shoulders which can affect your self-esteem and confidence.
Things You Need
- Hydrogen Peroxide
- Ice Pack
- Skin toner or Witch Hazel
- Styptic Pencils
- Sliced Potato
- Benzoyl Peroxide
- Aloe Vera
- Honey
- Salt
- Tissue or washcloth
Tips on How to Make a Pimple Stop Bleeding
Refraining from popping it is one of the best solutions so your pimple will not bleed. But, if you cannot resist the urge of popping it, here are tips on how to stop the bleeding.
1. Use Hydrogen Peroxide and Apply Pressure
The first thing to remember when using hydrogen peroxide is that the solution is temporary. It does not deal with the root cause of your acne but only stop the bleeding. It is effective for this purpose because it kills the bacteria on your skin. The liquid oxygenates your pores that prevent the future pimples from forming.
How to Use?
- Soak a washcloth or clean tissue in hydrogen peroxide
- Apply gently but with firm pressure to the bleeding acne. Keep it in that position for several minutes until the blood clots.
- Hydrogen peroxide will produce bubbles on the affected zit.
- Once the bleeding has stopped wash your face or the affected area using a mild soap.
The pressure applied will promote blood clotting while the hydrogen peroxide will get rid of any bacteria coming out of a pimple. This will prevent acne from multiplying to the surrounding skin.
Warning: Hydrogen peroxide can dry out your skin. Use moisturizer once the bleeding has ceased.
2. Ice Pack Method
Ice pack method is a popular remedy for treating acne. It reduces redness, inflammation, and swelling. It shrinks the pores and the size of the breakout. With regular use of ice, it can keep your skin pores small so they are less likely to diminish the size by constricting the blood vessels.
If you have smaller and tighter pores, the bacteria will have a hard time entering. Ice decreases the blood flow to the affected area. If in case direct pressure does not stop the bleeding, use ice cubes and pressure to stop it.
How to Use?
- In a washcloth or towel place pieces of ice cubes
- Place the cloth with ice on the bleeding pimple for 10 to 15 minutes or until it stops bleeding.
Note: Use clean towel to prevent the bacteria from infecting the pimple
3. Use Witch Hazel or Skin Toner
Witch hazel acts as a topical antioxidant just like green tea. It has polyphenolic compounds that can protect the skin from aging and sunburn. This skin astringent has anti-inflammatory benefits, which means it can soothe sunburn redness and pain.
It helps soothe irritated skin. It has been used by many as a non-irritating skin toner to remove skin oils. Astringents such as witch hazel and skin toner are used to tighten the skin and slow down the bleeding of pimples.
How to Use?
- Press it against a bleeding pimple firmly. Let it stay there for a couple of minutes.
- Soak a clean washcloth or a cotton swab in the astringent
Note: The astringent shrink the blood vessel and stop the blood from flowing.
4. Use Antiseptic Styptic Pencil
Styptic pencil can stop the bleeding of a stubborn pimple. It is an antiseptic tool that is used to stop bleeding due to cuts and scrapes fast and clean. They cover the area with silver nitrate or alum, stopping the blood from flowing instantly.
The waxy material creates a thin barrier over the damaged skin. It protects a pimple against bacteria and infection. You can buy a Styptic pencil at the pharmacy near you and online.
How to Use?
- Press the tip of the styptic pencil on your pimple directly.
- Hold it into your cut for 5 seconds until it stops bleeding.
- If in case the bleeding does not stop after 30 seconds, apply the pencil again for another 5 seconds.
- You might feel a slight sting but don’t worry its normal.
Note: to make it more effective wet the styptic pencil and put some pressure on the pimple until it stops bleeding.
5. Use Potato Slice
According to research, potatoes are the fast and effective way to stop bleeding from small scrapes and cuts. It contains starch that soaks up water and blood plasma and promotes clotting of blood fast. A slice of potato can actually put an end to your ordeal.
How to Use?
- Wash a medium sized potato thoroughly.
- Slice the potato into circles and apply to a bleeding pimple. Apply pressure on it for a few minutes until a pimple stops bleeding.
6. Apply Benzoyl Peroxide
Benzoyl peroxide helps clear the zit away and stop a pimple from bleeding. The solution attacks the bacteria that caused the acne and prevents further breakouts from appearing.
How to Use?
- Soak a cotton swab or tissue with benzoyl peroxide
- Apply directly on the pimple with pressure until the bleeding stops.
Note: Benzoyl peroxide can dry the skin out. After applying, wash your face with mild soap and apply moisturizer.
7. Use Salt Water
There is a misconception on using salt water into a wound. Some people are shying away from placing salt water into a bleeding pimple. The truth is salt water can aid in treating the popped pimple faster. You might feel some discomfort if you apply it but the solution is very effective.
How to Use?
- Add one tablespoon of salt to 1/4 cup of warm water and mix well.
- Dip a cotton ball into the salty water and apply it to your bleeding pimple.
8. Aloe Vera
This is one of the popular remedies for bleeding pimple because of its healing and restorative properties. Even those with sensitive skin can use Aloe Vera to treat acne. It can be used regularly to achieve the best result.
How to Use?
- Dip a cotton ball into the salty water and apply it to your bleeding pimple.
- You can place the pulp directly on the bleeding pimple or you can use cotton balls to apply the gel.
9. Honey
Not only honey is delicious but it is also very helpful in reducing the bleeding caused by picking a pimple. Honey is also a natural skin moisturizer that can keep your skin smooth and hydrated. It will not dry out, so you have to wash your skin after 20 to 30 minutes.
How to Use?
- You can apply honey with your clean hand or you can use cotton.
- Press the cotton on the affected pimple and apply pressure until it stops bleeding.
Final Words
All the tips on how to make a pimple stop bleeding are safe for your skin. Because benzoyl peroxide and hydrogen peroxide that can dry out your skin, so you need to be very careful when using it. You should stop your bleeding pimple right away to prevent the bacteria from spreading. If your pimples won’t stop bleeding, you should visit your doctor right away. Hope you enjoy reading this post. If you find this post helpful to you, feel free to comment below and share it with others.

Hi Everyone, BeYoungAholic’s aim is to help women who have lost their self-confidence because of the way they look. We will provide you tips and bits of advice on how to take care of yourself and maintain your youthful look. So, Enjoy the blog!