The skin barrier is located at the top layer of the skin, which is known as the stratum corneum. This is made of corneocytes, or skin cells, as well as lipid interface which glues them together. It’s made of a mix of cholesterol, ceramics, and free fatty acids.
Our skin barrier will shed off from the top layer, causing natural exfoliation of our skin to maintain its moisture and allergen protection. Some people may be worried about this part of their skin, as there’s a possibility of damage based on the symptoms they experience. But what are the exact damaged skin barrier symptoms you should watch out for?
Read on to learn more about the symptoms of a damaged skin barrier to see if you may need to have it checked with a doctor.
The Main Damaged Skin Barrier Symptoms
Your skin barrier is delicate, which is why you need to take precautions in the products you use. Fortunately, the damage is fixable as long as you know and treat the symptoms early on. These are the signs of a damaged skin barrier to watch out for:
- Skin redness or Rosacea symptoms
- Flakiness and/or peeling of the skin
- Dryness and/or dehydration due to lack of oil production or lack of water
- Tightness from dehydration
- Skin is easily irritated and feels sensitive
- The skin fees rough to the touch
- Itchiness and any stinging or burning sensation when applying products
- Increased breakouts and skin rashes similar to eczema
- Any form of creepiness and/or fine lines (a serious sign)
These symptoms can also just appear on your nose, causing only that particular area to get flaky and dry.
If you experience one or more of these symptoms regardless of your age, then it may be a sign you have a damaged moisture barrier that needs fixing.
The Main Causes of Damaged Skin Barriers
There are various reasons as to why your skin barrier is damaged, such as:
- You exfoliated your skin too much, which may have caused micro-tears on your skin
- You use harsh acne treatments, whether prescription or bought over-the-counter. This is because the treatments are drying on your skin, especially when it isn’t moisturized properly. Furthermore, the treatments can contain sulfates, causing dry skin that damages your moisture barrier
- You use hot water when washing your face and body. The hot water can cause very dry skin, causing some damage to the barrier
- You use products with alcohol, which causes over-drying especially when you use it consistently and longer periods. The alcohol irritates the skin and damages it
- You don’t use a moisturizer, which is what keeps your skin soft and suppler, as well as prevent any micro-tears
- You wash your face too often, which causes micro-tears fro constantly touching and handling your skin
- Aging is a natural cause, as when you age, the skin also weakens and starts to thin out, which makes it susceptible to skin issues and micro-tearing
Repairing Your Damaged Skin Barrier
Fortunately, damaged skin barriers can be repaired with the proper treatments and remedies.
The damage can be repaired on its own if you let it be. You can help it heal on time by being more sensitive to your skin and using the appropriate skin care products and routine. Aloe vera can help repair your skin barrier to calm and soothe any skin irritation while moisturizing and nourishing it with its vitamins.
Furthermore, protect it from the harmful UV rays by wearing sunscreen and avoiding hot water, which can cause skin problems. Instead, keep moisturize and humidify your skin, avoiding harsh skincare products, fragrances, and makeup for the meantime.
Usually, it can take your skin’s moisture barrier about two to four weeks to heal. This all depends on how long it takes for your skin to produce new layers of skin cells, as well as the length of time it takes to get rid of its old, damaged cells.
And if you’re wondering if it can be permanently damaged, NO, skin barriers cannot experience permanent damage, though it can take more time to heal if it were mistreated. If the symptoms continue even after two months, it’s best to have it checked by your dermatologist.
Learn all about your skin barrier and what you should do if it were damaged from this informative video:
Wrapping It Up
Keeping your skin barrier healthy is an absolute essential if you want to keep your skin moisturized and protected. That’s why you need to care for it properly and watch out for any symptom that indicates damage. If so, have it checked by your dermatologist to prevent your skin from worsening.
Hopefully, this list on the different damaged skin barrier symptoms helped you out. So don’t wait any longer and check if you suffer from a damaged skin barrier today!

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