my skin is getting darker for no reason

For those who want to achieve fair skin, I know how frustrating it is for it to get darker even if you do your best to stay out of the sun. Even I used to wonder why my skin is getting darker for no reason!

I decided to research to help anyone else who suffers from the same issue. So read on to find out what may be the cause of your darkening skin and what you can do to achieve the skin tone you want.

Why Is My Skin Getting Darker Without Sun?

As I was doing my research on why my skin is getting darker for no reason, I was shocked to see that the sun isn’t the ONLY culprit. That’s why even if I did my best to avoid sun exposure, I was still getting darker.

The other main culprit of darker skin is hyperpigmentation, which is a condition where one’s body would produce more melanin, a pigment giving our skin color. Those who have hyperpigmentation will notice dark spots and patches on various parts of their bodies.

Dermatologists can diagnose hyperpigmentation with a quick examination of your skin. They can also provide remedies, depending on the cause of hyperpigmentation in the first place. Let’s take a look at the causes of hyperpigmentation:

1. Acne Scarring

It’s normal to have acne now and then, especially for those who are currently experiencing hormonal imbalances, such as teenagers or pregnant women. However, if acne takes the turn for the worst to the point that it cuts through your skin deeply, then acne scarring may happen.

When acne scarring occurs, then it would leave a mark that may form discoloration at the skin’s surface.

Acne scarring happens if there’s an excessive amount of collagen production around the wounded area. This is typically seen when cystic acne develops, as the skin around it would become inflamed.

As a result, there would be an increased melanin production, darkening the skin even further. If ever you have acne and your skin is getting darker despite avoiding the sun, then it may be acne scarring forming at the end of your acne cycle.

2. Age Spots

When sun exposure darkens your skin, it will take time before it goes back to your original complexion. However, if you get in contact with the sun for a very long time (over what’s healthy!), then age spots may occur

The skin would produce even more melanin when exposed to the sun, which is a way to protect it from harmful UV rays. Because of this, all the melanin would clump together, leaving a spot or more that looks like a birthmark.

With age spots, they can grow even without sun exposure. For those who experienced sun damage on the skin, even if it’s happened years ago, then your skin may get even darker later on in the area where the sun damage occurred, even if you avoided the sun afterward.

Like what the name suggests, age spots would be more prevalent on those who are over 40 years old. With that said, younger people who often use tanning beds or get sunburned may also experience sunspots.

Read more: What Foods Make Your Skin Lighter? The Top 11 You Should Eat!

3. Hormonal Imbalance

Skin darkening is one of the many symptoms of hormonal changes. Hyperpigmentation would happen mostly in pregnant women, who would experience large and dark spots around their abdomens and faces.

Skin conditions may also occur, such as melasma, wherein your skin will darken from hormonal changes. This happens when you DON’T get enough sun exposure! While more common in women, a few men may also experience this skin condition.

Other times, it may be a symptom of particular disorders, like café au lait macules or Addison’s disease, which may come from the genes. It may also be the combination of sun exposure and allergic reactions from plants or chemicals.

Hormonal changes may also cause boosts in melanin production resulting in unwanted dark spots. Besides pregnancy, those taking oral contraceptives might experience a similar condition, along with older women who begin to feel the symptoms and effects of menopause.

If you are pregnant or take oral contraceptives, then not to worry, as this is usually temporary and would fade when changing medication or when your hormone levels stabilize.

4. Is It Dangerous?

Fortunately, darkened skin isn’t usually a symptom of life-threatening conditions, nor will it, if on its own, lead to any dire complications. BUT, certain diseases and disorders that are associated with hyperpigmentation may result in life-threatening complications, but only if you experience other symptoms besides darkened skin.

For instance, Addison’s disease or hemochromatosis may cause darkened skin, so it’s nest to have it checked. If you experience other symptoms including constipation, depression diarrhea, excessive thirst or urination, fatigue, joint pain, missed periods, abdomen pain, or unexplained weight loss, it’s best to have it checked by the doctor.

With all this in mind, there are home remedies to darkened skin, including the use of natural ingredients like aloe vera, green tea extract, licorice extract, or milk. It can also be avoided by using sunscreen even when you aren’t directly under the sun, avoiding picking at pimples, and regular checkups with your dermatologist.

Do you want to learn more about our skin and why it darkens (or lightens)? Then check out this informative video:

Wrapping It Up

I was surprised when I found out there were many other reasons why my skin is getting darker for no reason, and it wasn’t even about the sun! By learning more about the process of how our skin darkens, we have more insight into why it happens, so you can find the root cause and create effective solutions for it.

I hope that my article helped you identify any reasons why your skin is getting darker without reason and the remedies behind it. So don’t wait any longer and look into any of these points now.

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