We hear a few people ask – “Why are my cheeks always red and hot?”
Perhaps you barely go out in the sun, yet your cheeks still have that crimson color. Or maybe you tend to notice that your cheeks are usually hot.
Why do these conditions arise, anyway?
There are several reasons your cheeks can be either red or hot or perhaps both.
It can be due to an increase in blood flow, which is normal and harmless. However, there are instances when this condition can signify something more serious. If you’re a student, you can type ‘do my computer science homework’, and you will know how to do a project on the information related to your skin’s health. Programming language is a great instrument to develop your blog and provide information to the people who even need to see why the cheeks can be red and hot.
Today, we discuss the six reasons your cheeks are always red and hot. Learn all about these causes and what you can do about them. Let’s get started.
Why Are My Cheeks Always Red and Hot?
Blushing or flushing the skin involves feeling warmth in the affected area. This can affect your cheeks, neck, and the rest of your face.
Additionally, some patches or blotchy reddish areas may arise when you blush.
This is commonly a result of too much blood flow in such areas. Perhaps, your face is getting more blood flow, which is why there is an enlargement of the blood vessels. Hence, you notice a flushed appearance on your skin.
Many factors contribute to your cheeks getting hot and red. These include embarrassment, stress, anger, or anxiety. Any intense emotional state can contribute to flushed skin.
However, there are some instances when your cheeks turn red because of other causes. These may even be a medical concern, which is why it is best to consult your doctor if this flushing happens constantly.
6 Reasons Why Your Cheeks May Be Always Red and Hot
If you have observed that your cheeks are often hot and red even when there are no psychological factors, then one of the following causes may be the culprit:
1. Rosacea
Rosacea is a chronic skin disease that tends to come and go. Specific triggers cause your skin to feel hot and appear flushed, such as sunlight, alcoholic beverages, spicy foods, and stress.
Among the typical symptoms of rosacea include raised red bumps, skin dryness, flushing, skin sensitivity, and stress.
2. Menopause
Another reason behind your cheeks turning red is menopause.
This condition happens when there is a decrease in the production of estrogen and progesterone.
Thus, you may experience a variety of symptoms, including hot flashes, frequent urination, depression, vaginal atrophy, and decreased libido, to name a few. These symptoms of menopause may last for a year or so, depending on the individual.
3. Scarlet Fever
People with scarlet fever develop redness on their cheeks and in other parts of their bodies. However, the feet and hands are exempted from this redness. There are also tiny bumps in the affected areas, which may feel rough.
Additionally, scarlet fever may include a bright reddish tinge on the tongue. This condition commonly occurs after an infection of the throat.
4. Fifth Disease
Next up in the common reasons why your cheeks are always red is Fifth Disease.
This is more prevalent among children, although adults may also have this ailment. Among the symptoms of the Fifth disease are lacy-patterned red rashes on the upper body, legs, and arms. There are also rashes on the cheeks that appear bright red.
Other symptoms are a low-grade fever, runny nose, nausea, fatigue, and sore throat. The redness of the body is more visible and more severe after an individual has a hot bath or shower.
5. Hyperthyroidism
Hyperthyroidism occurs when the thyroid gland produces an excess amount of thyroid hormone. There are several reasons behind this condition, such as tumors, inflammation, autoimmune disease, and medications.
Individuals who suffer from hyperthyroidism have various symptoms, such as difficulty sleeping, low tolerance for heat, menstrual irregularities, nausea, brittle hair, and elevated blood pressure. For others, hand tremors and a rapid heart rate may also occur.
6. Agoraphobia
While this condition may be more of a psychological disorder than physical, some symptoms manifest as a result of this type of phobia.
Agoraphobia is a type of anxiety disorder. It occurs among people who are afraid of situations that tend to give them a feeling of embarrassment or helplessness. They may also feel trapped, which can be pretty frightening for them.
Some people may even avoid leaving home for months because of such fear. They may avoid social situations and enclosed spaces, including an elevator or a car.
Symptoms linked with agoraphobia include sweating, increased heart rate, skin flushing, chest pain, and dizziness.
Essential Things To Know about Flushing of the Cheeks
As we have mentioned, there are many reasons why your cheeks are always red and hot. These may be due to a medical condition, while others may be caused by psychological triggers such as anxiety, fear, and anger.
When addressing this condition, it is best to know the cause of the flushing. This way, you will be able to resolve the issue satisfactorily and prevent it from recurring.
In the case of skin-related concerns, it is best to consult a dermatologist and a physician in case of severe medical conditions linked with skin flushing and blushing.
As for psychological causes, it helps to seek proper medical attention from a specialist. These can be long-term or short-term issues due to stress or other factors. Hence, understanding the root of the problem is vital to achieving the perfect solution to address the issue.
So for those who ask, “Why are my cheeks always red and hot” we hope this post has answered your question and has given you insight on the best course of action for your concern.

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