Fashion always changes with the seasons. Spring comes upon us dressed in pretty pastels, summer is the season of cute short combinations and sundresses, and fall has a whole host of layered looks. But if there is one season that makes me feel like fashion comes to a screeching halt, it’s winter.
The need to bundle up makes it difficult to put my style on display. This is especially true when it comes to accessorizing. But just because most of us find ourselves buried in layers doesn’t mean we can’t accessorize. Just follow these tips and tricks for accessorizing in the winter.
Make Your Outerwear Work for You
Even when bundled up, we can look at all those layers as opportunities to add a little stylish spark to your look. Instead of wearing a pair of bulky, neutral gloves, I like to look for some sleek leather gloves. Or opt for a classic fedora hat instead of the beat-up beanie I’ve always worn.
If you want an extra put-together look, don’t look at your outerwear accessories individually. If you’re wearing a blue scarf, look for a blue hat and a pair of gloves. Or try picking accessories with the same pattern.
Focus on What You Can See
But just because outerwear is the main attraction doesn’t mean there aren’t still places where your accessories can peek out. Earrings, necklaces, and even watches are usually visible. And since they’re the only ones visible, wearing statement jewelry is the perfect tip and trick for accessorizing in the winter.
Layer Jewelry Over Your Sleeves
Another option is to refuse to bury your accessories. A trendy, eye-catching look I just discovered involves layering your jewelry over your sleeves. The trick to accomplishing this look is to find large arm jewelry, like chunky bracelets or wristwatches.
Of course, even when you choose particularly large jewelry pieces, a lot of our coat sleeves are just too thick to layer. One way to circumnavigate this is to focus on wearing layers instead of one thick coat. That way, you can wear your bracelet or watch over one layer while still having other layers to keep you warm.
Seasons change, but that doesn’t mean your level of style has to. With a little bit of strategy, you can keep your fashion hot even when the weather grows cold.

Hi Everyone, BeYoungAholic’s aim is to help women who have lost their self-confidence because of the way they look. We will provide you tips and bits of advice on how to take care of yourself and maintain your youthful look. So, Enjoy the blog!