In the world of religion and faith, there are different beliefs and practices when it comes to personal grooming practices, including the use of makeup, jewellery, and nail polish. Among the various Christian denominations, Pentecostalism is known for its conservative views on dress and appearance, which can extend to the use of nail polish.
In this article, we will explore the beliefs of Pentecostals regarding hair, jewellery, and makeup, as well as whether it is acceptable for Apostolics to wear nail polish. We will also answer some frequently asked questions related to Pentecostal beliefs about makeup and nail polish.
10 Reasons Why Apostolics Don’t Wear Nail Polish
- Modesty: Many Apostolics believe in modesty, and wearing nail polish can be seen as a way to draw attention to oneself and away from God.
- Worldliness: Some Apostolics view the use of nail polish as a worldly and secular practice, and choose to avoid it in order to maintain their spiritual focus.
- Personal conviction: Some individuals may feel convicted by the Holy Spirit to avoid nail polish, and choose to follow that conviction as an act of obedience to God.
- Avoiding temptation: For some Apostolics, wearing nail polish can be a temptation to vanity and pride, and choosing to avoid it can help them maintain their focus on God.
- Gender roles: Some Apostolics adhere to traditional gender roles, and view nail polish as a feminine accessory that should be avoided by men.
- Health concerns: Some individuals may be allergic to nail polish or may have concerns about the chemicals used in its production, and choose to avoid it for health reasons.
- Practicality: For some Apostolics, wearing nail polish may not be practical for their daily lives and work, and they may choose to avoid it for that reason.
- Cultural practices: In some Apostolic cultures, wearing nail polish may not be a common or accepted practice, and individuals may choose to conform to those cultural norms.
- Appearance of evil: Some Apostolics believe that wearing nail polish can give the appearance of evil, and may choose to avoid it in order to maintain their witness to others.
- Personal preference: Ultimately, whether or not an Apostolic wears nail polish may simply come down to personal preference and individual interpretation of Scripture and church teachings.
It is important to note that while some Apostolics choose not to wear nail polish, this is not a universal practice or requirement within the Apostolic faith. Each individual is responsible for their own decisions and convictions regarding nail polish and other personal practices.
Pentecostal Beliefs About Hair, Jewellery, and Makeup
Pentecostalism is a Christian denomination that emphasizes the work of the Holy Spirit and the need for personal holiness. In line with this emphasis, Pentecostals tend to have strict standards for dress and appearance, with a focus on modesty and avoiding anything that could be considered immodest or worldly.
Hair: Among Pentecostals, there is often a belief that women should have long hair and that men should have short hair. This belief is based on several biblical passages, including 1 Corinthians 11:14-15, which states that “Does not nature itself teach you that if a man wears long hair it is a disgrace for him, but if a woman has long hair, it is her glory?”
Jewellery: Some Pentecostals believe that wearing jewellery is a form of worldliness and can distract from one’s focus on spiritual matters. However, this belief is not universal among Pentecostals, and many Pentecostals do wear jewellery.
Makeup: Similar to their beliefs about jewellery, some Pentecostals believe that wearing makeup is a form of worldliness and can distract from one’s focus on spiritual matters. However, like with jewellery, this belief is not universal among Pentecostals, and many Pentecostals do wear makeup.
United Pentecostal Dress Rules For Modesty:
The United Pentecostal Church International (UPCI) is a Pentecostal denomination that is known for its strict standards of dress and appearance. The UPCI has published guidelines for dress and grooming that include the following rules related to modesty:
- Clothing should cover the body appropriately and not be revealing or tight-fitting.
- Clothing should not be adorned with worldly or immodest designs.
- Women should wear dresses or skirts that cover the knees and should not wear trousers or pants.
- Women should not wear makeup or jewellery that is flashy or draws attention to oneself.
- Men should have short hair and should not wear earrings or other jewellery that is considered feminine.
Based on these guidelines, it would seem that the UPCI does not support the use of nail polish, as it could be considered a form of adornment or attention-seeking behaviour.
How is Apostolic, Baptist and Pentecostal different?
Apostolic churches believe in the oneness of God and baptism in Jesus’ name, rather than the traditional Trinitarian baptism.
They place a strong emphasis on holiness and modesty, with many women wearing head coverings and avoiding makeup and jewelry. Apostolic churches also believe in the practice of speaking in tongues as evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Baptist churches, on the other hand, believe in the traditional doctrine of the Trinity and baptism by immersion. They believe that salvation is obtained through faith in Jesus Christ and reject the idea of baptismal regeneration. Baptists place a strong emphasis on the authority of the Bible and individual interpretation of scripture.
Pentecostal churches place a strong emphasis on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the practice of speaking in tongues. They believe that the gifts of the Holy Spirit, including prophecy and healing, are still available to believers today. Pentecostals also tend to have more expressive worship services, with music and dancing as a part of their worship.
In terms of worship practices, Apostolic churches tend to have more traditional and formal services, with hymns and sermons as the main components. Baptist services also tend to be traditional, but may include more modern music and informal preaching styles. Pentecostal services are often more expressive and charismatic, with speaking in tongues and other gifts of the Spirit being a regular part of the worship experience.
5 things that Apostolic and other churches may frown upon or have differing views about include:
- Clothing: Apostolic and other churches may have dress codes that require modest clothing, with women often wearing skirts and head coverings. They may also frown upon clothing that is too tight or revealing.
- Jewelry: Many Apostolic and other churches discourage or prohibit the wearing of jewelry, especially by women. They believe that excessive adornment goes against the principle of modesty.
- Makeup: Like jewelry, many Apostolic and other churches discourage or prohibit the wearing of makeup, believing that it goes against the principle of natural beauty and modesty.
- Dancing: While some churches may permit certain types of dancing, others, including some Apostolic and Baptist churches, prohibit dancing altogether, considering it to be too worldly and potentially immoral.
- Alcohol and tobacco: Many Apostolic and other churches discourage or prohibit the use of alcohol and tobacco, believing that they are harmful to the body and can lead to sinful behavior.
Overall, the beliefs and practices of Apostolic and other churches can vary widely, but they are united in their desire to live a life that is pleasing to God and in accordance with His teachings.
What Does It Mean To Be Apostolic?
To be Apostolic means to adhere to the beliefs and practices of the Apostolic Christian Church, which is a branch of Christianity that places a strong emphasis on holiness, modesty, and the oneness of God. Apostolic Christians believe in baptism in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, rather than the traditional Trinitarian baptism. They also practice the laying on of hands for healing and other spiritual purposes, and believe in the practice of speaking in tongues as evidence of the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
While Apostolic and Pentecostal churches share some similarities, they are not the same. Pentecostal churches place a strong emphasis on the baptism of the Holy Spirit and the practice of speaking in tongues, while Apostolic churches also believe in these practices, but also place a greater emphasis on holiness and modesty.
Can Apostolic Wear Nail Polish?
The answer to whether Apostolics can wear nail polish is not straightforward, as it depends on the specific beliefs of the individual and their church community. However, there are some general guidelines and beliefs that can be helpful in understanding this issue.
Is It Ok To Pray With Nail Polish?
There is no specific biblical or theological reason why it would not be okay to pray with nail polish. However, as with other personal grooming practices, the decision to wear nail polish should be made with discernment and discretion, considering one’s personal beliefs and the potential impact it may have on others.
Overall, the beliefs and practices of Apostolic and other churches can vary widely, but they are united in their desire to live a life that is pleasing to God and in accordance with His teachings.

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